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G&T: la terza attesissima stagione

G&T: la terza attesissima stagione

Giovedí, 2  febbraio 2017"G&T", la prima webserie gay giunge alla terza stagione grazie ad una raccolta fondi e al suo pubblico italiano ed internazionale. G&T, per chi non la conoscesse, è definita la prima webserie gay italiana e racconta la storia...

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WSWC: are you ready for the third edition?

WSWC: are you ready for the third edition?

Thuesday, January 31stThe 2017 will see the third edition of the Web Series World Cup (WSWC), international recognition that aims to recognize, support and promote the world's most talented content makers.Once upon a time there was the Web. Than came web series and,...

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